Videos of JCYM meetings
9.27.23 - Partnership meeting-Part 1
9.27.23 - Partnership meeting-Part 2
9.27.23 - Partnership meeting-Part 3
10.11.23 - Spotlight Kids TLC & 25 year membership
11.15.23 - Safehome Spotlight-Part 1
11.15.23 - General Meeting-Part 2
12.6.23 - Board Reports Part 1
12.6.23 - Board Reports Part 2
1/24/24 - Growing Futures Spotlight
3/20/24 - Membership, Phil, W&M, C&C
3/20/24 - Lunch, W&M Elect, NomComm, SIM
4/10/24 - W&M, Membership, Phil, Treas, C&C, D&N, Scholarship
4/10/24 - Luncheon, Website, Brags, ELI News
4/24/24 - Collect & Provisional skit
4/24/24 - Bylaws, Vote, DOF, NomComm
4/24/24 - Election count, Election of Officers
4/24/24 - Publicity, Membership, AdHocComm, Phil, D&N, ExecSec, IT
4/24/24 - Safehome Provisional Project
5/8/24 - GenMtg-Spot-Reporting-Memb-Phil-CC & Red Rose
5/8/24 - GenMtg-D&N, DOF, CGF, Scholarship, W&M, W&MTreas
5/8/24 - GenMtg-GF Derby Fundraiser
Installation Luncheon
5/15/24-Deb's Acceptance Speech
5/15/24-New Members, Gifts & Installation
9/11/24-Budget, Pres-Elect, Website, Philanthropy, Membership, C&C
9/11/24-C&C, D&N, Luncheon, W&M
9/11/24-Exec. Sec Elections, CGF
9/25/24-Partnership Meeting-FNOB, ELI, KidsTLC
9/25/24-Membership, Philanthropy, C&C, D&N
9/25/24-CGF, Publicity, Phil Fundraiser, GF collection
10/9/24-Founders Day - Liz & Pauly
10/9/24-Spotlight on CGF, W&M Boutique
10/9/24-C&C, Red Rose for Cherie Malone
10/9/24-Publicity, Luncheon, Scholarship, Treas., Membership, Nom Comm, W&M
10/9/24-Linda Rumsey on Cherie Malone
11/13/24-Strawberry Hill Presentation
11/13/24-Welcome, W&M, Philanthropy
11/13/24-C&C, CGF, Luncheon, Nom Comm
​12/11/24-Guests-JCCB Spotlight-D&N-W&M-Pres-Elect
12/11/24-Philanthropy, Treasurer, Membership, Care & Concern, Luncheon
12/11/24-Symphony speaker Stephanie Brimhall